A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme Regarding Knowledge of Adult Women Regarding Prevention of Cervical Cancer in Selected Areas of Thiruvananthapuram District
Adult, Cervical cancer, Fatal Disease, Knowledge, WomenAbstract
Cervical cancer is the most occurring type of gynaecological cancer in clinical settings. It begins with dysplasia and ultimately becomes fatal if left untreated. This study assessed the effectiveness of a structured teaching programme regarding adult women's knowledge of preventing cervical cancer in selected areas of the Thiruvananthapuram district. This study used a quantitative research approach and quasi-experimental group pre-post-test research design. The data was collected from 50 samples of Kanyakulangara area. The study findings showed that the knowledge level of adult women had increased after the administration of a structured teaching programme. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. This study reveals that, in the pre-test scores of adult women, 72% have an inadequate level of knowledge, and 28% have a moderate level of knowledge regarding the prevention of cervical cancer. After the administration of a structured teaching programme, post-test results showed that 2% of women have inadequate, 52% have moderate, and 46% have an adequate level of knowledge regarding the prevention of cervical cancer. In the inferential statistics, there are three associations found between the level of knowledge of adult women regarding the prevention of cervical cancer: Age (X2 = 1.84), Family history (X2 = 0.07), and educational status (X2 = 0.435). Hence, the hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected.