Journal of Midwifery, Women Health And Gynaecological Nursing en-US Journal of Midwifery, Women Health And Gynaecological Nursing Real-Time Partograph: Maternal Components as a Key Indicator for Labor Care <p>Partograph plays a significant role in maternal health in diagnosing and monitoring the progress of labor. In the earlier days, maternal deaths and complications were significantly high due to the lack of skills and failure to monitor the changes in the mother during labor. Partograph has many components, including maternal and fetal. Maternal components include cervical dilatation, uterine contraction, temperature, Blood Pressure (BP), urine analysis, and pulse. Fetal components include molding, the head's station, and the amniotic fluid's nature; some indicators must be checked. The partograph monitoring should begin when the cervical dilatation is about 4 cm and more with all signs of actual labor. The first plotting should be done on the alert line for accurate findings. Cervical dilatation should be checked once every 4 hours and two hours once if any induction is done. The uterine contractions should be determined once every half an hour for about 10 minutes and plotted against the space for the contractions. The fetal components, like the amniotic sac, should be checked for rupture or intactness and about the nature of the fluid. The station of the head denotes the position of the fetal head and the progress of labor. The average Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) measurement is 120-160 beats per minute. There are tremendous trends related to partographs that are about to happen in obstetrics. Finally, the partograph acts as objective data or evidence for the decision-making during labor.</p> Ramaprasad S Kowsalya S Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery, Women Health And Gynaecological Nursing 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 1 7 Case Report: A Fibroadenoma in Right Breast in 38-Year-Old Female <p>The combination of stromal and epithelial tissue is a characteristic of benign breast tumors called fibroadenomas. A fibroadenoma can be found at any age in women who have periods. The exact cause of Fibroadenoma is unknown (idiopathic) but can be attributed to the reproductive hormonal oestrogen cycles. Fibroadenomas can occur in one or both breasts. Lobules, glands that produce milk, and ducts, or tubes that transport the milk to the nipple, make up the breasts. Tissues that are fatty, fibrous, and glandular envelop them. From the lobules, fibroadenomas arise. Over the lobule, the glandular tissue and ducts develop to create a firm mass. From a clinical perspective, fibroadenomas are typically round, painless, firm or rubbery, solitary, and smooth around the edges. Your risk of breast cancer is unaffected by common fibroadenomas. However, if you have a phyllodes tumor or a complicated fibroadenoma, your risk may increase somewhat. The prevention of Fibroadenomas is unknown. Fibroadenomas usually don't require treatment. They often go away independently, or the lump can be surgically removed if necessary or suspicious. A 38-year-old female visited the outpatient department with complaints of blood-tinged discharge from the nipple and a lump in the right breast for 4 months, which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive. It was initially small and associated with dull, aching pain but progressively progressed in size. At the time of admission, he had undergone several investigations, which revealed a radio-opaque lesion in the upper outer quadrant of his right breast and hence diagnosed as a case of Fibro-adenoma in the Right Breast. Excision of a lump of the right breast was done under general anaesthesia, and She received intravenous analgesics and antibiotics during her hospital stay as post-operative care.</p> Dharti Vitthalrao Khewale Vaishali Taksande Roshani Warghane Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery, Women Health And Gynaecological Nursing 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 12 A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme Regarding Knowledge of Adult Women Regarding Prevention of Cervical Cancer in Selected Areas of Thiruvananthapuram District <p>Cervical cancer is the most occurring type of gynaecological cancer in clinical settings. It begins with dysplasia and ultimately becomes fatal if left untreated. This study assessed the effectiveness of a structured teaching programme regarding adult women's knowledge of preventing cervical cancer in selected areas of the Thiruvananthapuram district. This study used a quantitative research approach and quasi-experimental group pre-post-test research design. The data was collected from 50 samples of Kanyakulangara area. The study findings showed that the knowledge level of adult women had increased after the administration of a structured teaching programme. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. This study reveals that, in the pre-test scores of adult women, 72% have an inadequate level of knowledge, and 28% have a moderate level of knowledge regarding the prevention of cervical cancer. After the administration of a structured teaching programme, post-test results showed that 2% of women have inadequate, 52% have moderate, and 46% have an adequate level of knowledge regarding the prevention of cervical cancer. In the inferential statistics, there are three associations found between the level of knowledge of adult women regarding the prevention of cervical cancer: Age (X2 = 1.84), Family history (X2 = 0.07), and educational status (X2 = 0.435). Hence, the hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected.</p> Jyothy P Anitha V Nair Sherin Sudhakar Ajmi A Aisha S Amina N Aparna Biju Deon J Victor Fazal Rahman V A Karthika Sunil Sadiya S Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery, Women Health And Gynaecological Nursing 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 13 19 Factors Affecting Family Planning Practices Among Women in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria <p>The need to control the human population must be considered, as an unchecked increase in population has several health and societal problems. The desire to develop various strategies to oversee a controlled birth rate among women in society is a familiar initiative, as some of these efforts have been there for years. This study aims to determine the factors affecting family practices among women in the Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State in Nigeria. The Research Adopted a Cross-Sectional Study Design. The instrument for data collection is a simple questionnaire designed by the researchers. The research sample size is 200 recruited from the 10 designated areas of the state, i.e., a cluster sampling technique was employed. The total population was 374,671, and the land area was 249 square kilometres. The research results, especially those obtained from the random interviews, indicated that some women were reluctant to embark on the family planning escapade because their husbands could hear none of it. It becomes quite a challenge, especially in a family setting, when one of the parties remains uncomfortable and uncooperative towards the family planning process. This explains why men should be involved in awareness campaigns.</p> Juliana Foster Gesibina Isaac Mologe Lawrence Ayah Iruo Linda Kememoepigha Tamaraodubo Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery, Women Health And Gynaecological Nursing 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 20 26 Factors Related to Anemia among Pregnant Women in Bangladesh <p>Background: Anemia, resulting from a significant reduction in hemoglobin due to inadequate red blood cell maturation, is recognized as a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among pregnant women universally. In Bangladesh, the prevalence of anemia in pregnancy was estimated at 58.9%. Pregnancy anemia and its side effects can be avoided and treated if these are diagnosed early. Objective: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of anemia and the factors associated with it among pregnant women in Bangladesh Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. 385 antenatal mothers attending the Ante Natal Checkup (ANC) corner at Chattogram Medical College Hospital in Chattogram for regular checkups participated in this study conveniently. The study was carried out from December 2021 to April 2022. Data was collected through in-person interviews using a standardized questionnaire. The data analysis incorporated both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. Results: The result showed that the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women was estimated at 44.9%. The findings also explored that women's hemoglobin status was significantly related to educational attainment (F=3.20, p=.04), family type (t=2.59, p=.01), gestational age (F=4.58, p=.01), animal protein intake (F=39, p=.018), vitamin C intake (F=5.29, p=.000), tea and coffee consumption (F=6.41, p =.002), doctor nurse counseling (t=4.02, p=.019), washing hands (t=36, p=000), nutrition (t=2.84, p=005), supplementation (t=3.70, p=.000) and family planning (t= 2.40, p=.017). In Binary logistic regression analysis, consumption of animal protein (B=.576, p=.028) and tea coffee consumption (B= -2.050, p=.000) were significant predictors for developing anemia among pregnant women. These predictors explain about 16.4% of variance during pregnancy anemia. Conclusion: Anemia is significantly prevalent among pregnant women. Educational attainment, family type, gestational age, animal protein intake, tea and coffee consumption, nutrition, and family planning were identified as factors related to pregnancy anemia. This is why the policy should be implemented to improve the hemoglobin status of pregnant women in Bangladesh.</p> Dipali Rani Mallick Md. Manjur Hossain Vetriselvan Subramaniyan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Midwifery, Women Health And Gynaecological Nursing 2024-10-04 2024-10-04 27 39 10.46610/JMWHGN.2024.v06i03.005