Factors Affecting Family Planning Practices Among Women in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria


  • Juliana Foster
  • Gesibina Isaac Mologe
  • Lawrence Ayah Iruo
  • Linda Kememoepigha Tamaraodubo


Factors, Family planning, Health, Practices, Women


The need to control the human population must be considered, as an unchecked increase in population has several health and societal problems. The desire to develop various strategies to oversee a controlled birth rate among women in society is a familiar initiative, as some of these efforts have been there for years. This study aims to determine the factors affecting family practices among women in the Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State in Nigeria. The Research Adopted a Cross-Sectional Study Design. The instrument for data collection is a simple questionnaire designed by the researchers. The research sample size is 200 recruited from the 10 designated areas of the state, i.e., a cluster sampling technique was employed. The total population was 374,671, and the land area was 249 square kilometres. The research results, especially those obtained from the random interviews, indicated that some women were reluctant to embark on the family planning escapade because their husbands could hear none of it. It becomes quite a challenge, especially in a family setting, when one of the parties remains uncomfortable and uncooperative towards the family planning process. This explains why men should be involved in awareness campaigns.


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How to Cite

Foster, J. ., Mologe, G. I. ., Lawrence Ayah Iruo, & Tamaraodubo, L. K. . (2024). Factors Affecting Family Planning Practices Among Women in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. Journal of Midwifery, Women Health And Gynaecological Nursing, 6(3), 20–26. Retrieved from https://matjournals.net/nursing/index.php/JMWHGN/article/view/164