IoT-based Alcohol Detector using Blynk


  • Kazi Sultanabanu Sayyad Liyakat
  • Kazi Kutubuddin Sayyad Liyakat


Alcohol, Blynk, Internet of Things (IoT), MQ3, NodeMCU


Although drinking alcohol has long been a part of human culture, it also contributes significantly to accidents and health issues. Drinking and driving is a major cause of road accidents and fatalities worldwide. Despite strict laws and awareness campaigns, people continue to drive under the influence of alcohol, posing a threat to themselves and others on the road. To address this issue, an IoT-based alcohol detector has been developed using Blynk and NodeMCU, which aims to prevent drunk driving and promote road safety. An alcohol detector is a tool used to determine how much alcohol is in someone's blood, urine, or breath.  The device has a gas sensor that measures the amount of alcohol in the user's breath. The NodeMCU, which is linked to the Blynk app, is connected to the sensor. The gas sensor in the device measures the amount of alcohol exhaled by the user and transmits the information to the NodeMCU. Blynk is an IoT platform that allows users to control and monitor connected devices through a mobile application.  One of the most significant advantages of this IoT-based alcohol detector is its portability. The use of open-source technologies like Blynk and NodeMCU has made it possible to develop an economical solution without sacrificing the device's accuracy and quality.




