From Intelligence to Adaptability: The Role of Reconfigurable Services in 6G Evolution


  • Manikanta Kalyan
  • Manas Kumar Yogi


Network automation, Network as a Service (NaaS), Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS), 6G- IoT, Software Defined Network (SDN)


The advent of 6G technology heralds a new era of connectivity, promising unprecedented speed, reliability, and connectivity for the digital world. At the core of this evolution are two key pillars: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Reconfigurable Intelligent Services (RIS). This proposed chapter explores the intricate interplay between these two transformative technologies and their pivotal roles in shaping the landscape of 6G networks. The chapter will explore Artificial Intelligence in the context of 6G networks, elucidating its significance in enabling autonomous decision-making, predictive analytics, and network optimization. The chapter will underscore their potential to revolutionize network management, resource allocation, and user experience in 6G environments through a comprehensive review of AI-driven solutions such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. Subsequently, the focus will shift to Reconfigurable Intelligent Services, shedding light on their dynamic nature and adaptability to diverse network requirements. By elucidating the principles of reconfigurability and intelligence in service provisioning, the paper will illustrate how these services empower 6G networks to respond to fluctuating demands swiftly, optimize resource utilization, and enhance overall network efficiency. This paper provides a comprehensive understanding of how Artificial Intelligence and Reconfigurable Intelligent Services synergistically drive the evolution of 6G networks towards unprecedented performance and versatility through a synthesis of theoretical frameworks, case studies, and prospects.




