Examination of Health Implications and People’s Perception of the Quality of Groundwater in the Middle Aquifer of Monguno Town, Monguno Local Government Area, Borno State, Nigeria


  • Kadir Stephen Wagaja
  • Mustapha Hassan
  • John Abdullahi


Groundwater, Health, Implication, Monguno, Perception


This study examined the health implications and people’s perception of the quality of groundwater
in the Middle aquifer of Monguno. The inadequate water supply is also poor in terms of quality as
exposure to the atmosphere (oxygen) reduces the palatability and aesthetic value of the water from
the user’s perspective due to the yellowish-brown coloration which is unusual under ideal
circumstances. The specific objectives of this study were to examine the health implications and
people’s perception of the quality of groundwater in the Middle aquifer of Monguno. The method
used in the study includes primary data collected using key informants’ interviews and a
questionnaire was administered to people who were randomly and accidentally sampled.
Household heads were randomly selected and other respondents were accidently sampled in the
communities where the water sample was collected. The major finding of the research was that the
study area reveals that out of the 16 respondents of the key informant’s interview, 81.75% said the
water is coloured while 18.25% confirmed it colourless, 100% agreed that the water is odorless
and 100% also agreed the water is tasteless. These findings conclude that water is good in terms
of organoleptic from the water user’s perspective. Useful information was obtained concerning the
research in the study area, the sampled water points show the concentration of parameters and
possible health implications of using water for drinking exceeding acceptable WHO (World Health
Organization) and Nigerian Standard of Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ) limits. Based on the
findings, the following recommendations were made, The government should strengthen water
surveillance to monitor changes in water quality so that any public health risk resulting from poor
water quality is assessed and treatment measures are to be put in place.




