An Innovative Line-Following Recliner System for A Disable to Lead Quality Life


  • G. Sai Tarun
  • M. Uday Kiran
  • T.V. Kartheek
  • S. Rama Krishna
  • S. Muthubalaji


Arduino Uno, Controller device, Paralyzed patient, Recliner, Wheelchair


An armchair or sofa that reclines when the user lifts the front of the chair and lowers the back is called a recliner. It features an adjustable footrest that extends automatically when the back of the chair is lowered, as well as tilt-back backrest that can be adjusted via a lever on the side of the chair. The modern era has seen an unparalleled rise in material wealth, bringing with it a wide range of consumer goods and options. Despite this abundance, buyers paradoxically frequently face a dilemma: a small number of products that truly meet their emotional and image-related needs. Successful treatment programmes must promote an active lifestyle, and there is strong evidence that individuals with mobility problems have a better Quality of Life (QOL) when they engage in physical activity. When designing wheelchairs, biomechanical considerations are crucial because they help impaired people participate in social and physical activities. Using basic hand motions, the suggested technology facilitates communication for individuals who are paralyzed. Each accelerometer corresponds to a finger thanks to the way the accelerometers are attached to the gloves. Wires are linked to the Arduino UNO to connect this accelerometer




