An Effective Approach to Spot Plant Disease Using Smart Edge Device


  • K. Phani Sriprada
  • V. Vamshhi Kriishna
  • Bindu Priya
  • P. Bannu Shabarish
  • S. Muthubalaji


Agriculture, Ardiuno, Control, Image recognition, Plant disease


India's growing population and rising food demands have made agriculture a major industry there. Therefore, increasing crop productivity is necessary. Diseases brought on by bacteria, fungi, and viruses are among these significant influences on reduced crop yields. Plant disease is a change in the healthy state of a plant that hinders or alters the plant's vital processes. Disease can affect any species of plant, whether it is wild or domesticated. Even though each species is prone to certain diseases, they are often only seen in small numbers. Plant diseases appear and are more prevalent at different times of the year based on the environment, the crops planted, and the presence of the pathogen. If the illness and its origin are not appropriately identified, disease control treatments might be a waste of time and resources, resulting in additional plant losses. As a result, precise sickness diagnosis is critical. These methods require a very long time to show results for the disease. Additionally, there are no labs close to settlements. The work in concern uses image recognition to quickly analyse plant illness. The setup is affordable and simple to set up at nearby panchayat centres so that farmers can use it.




