Develop Therapy Materials in Hindi for Misarticulation Children


  • Ayush Deshmukh
  • Neel Gholkar
  • Sakshi Kanase
  • Vaishnavi Patil
  • S.U.Salokhe


Authentication, Firebase, Firebase real audio, React-native, Real video


The Hindi Articulation Therapy App is an invaluable tool for addressing speech recognition challenges in India. Its intuitive interface caters to professionals, children, and parents alike, making it accessible to all. The "Level Project" feature offers fundamental instructions on mouth and tongue positioning, akin to the initial step in speech therapy. With the "View Library," users access a diverse array of resources, enriching Hindi-speaking practice through visual aids and authentic audio recordings. For effective therapy sessions, the "Articulation Practice" feature provides ample speaking exercises. Parents stay informed about their child's progress through timely notifications, fostering collaboration in the treatment process. The "Pronunciation Videos for Kids" aid children in mastering sounds, while the "Pronunciation Practice" feature offers multiple methods for refining pronunciation skills. Ultimately, this app serves as a comprehensive tool for enhancing Hindi language proficiency and communication skills. Its versatility and user-centric design make it an indispensable asset for individuals seeking to improve their Hindi articulation and communication abilities.




