Study of Emergency Notifier System for Accidents Detection and Helping


  • Amol More
  • Dariyan Naagar
  • Nikhil Bhamare
  • Ajinkya Dighe
  • Abhiraj Bondre


Accident detection, ADXL-335 sensor, Emergency notifier, Global Positioning System (GPS) Module, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), Notification systems, Traffic accidents


Traffic accidents remain a significant cause of fatalities in India, with Ministry of Road Transport and Highways data reporting 4, 12, 432 accidents in 2021, resulting in 1, 53, 972 deaths and 3, 84, 448 injuries. The time between an accident and the arrival of emergency medical personnel significantly influences survival rates, with a 6% decrease in mortality when this time is minimized. To address this, one approach involves the implementation of an Emergency Notifier System for Accidents Detection. This system utilizes in-vehicle automatic accident detection and notification technology. When an accident occurs, sensors within the vehicle detect the event and immediately notify emergency services. By eliminating delays in alerting first responders, the system aims to reduce fatalities resulting from accidents. Through our study, we aim to assess the effectiveness of this technology in improving response times and ultimately lowering the mortality rate associated with traffic accidents. By leveraging advanced notification systems, we strive to enhance emergency response mechanisms, potentially saving lives and reducing the devastating impact of road accidents in India.




